More Than One Song Lyrics
Sung to the tune of Yankee Doodle

These song lyrics are included in the Volume 2 Combo

Return to Plurals and es Endings Lesson Plan

To make a word mean more than one,
Just add an s, I’ve known.
Dog to dogs and cat to cats-it’s what I’ve always done.
I add an s to action words when used with he or she.
I jump, he jumps; I hop, she hops-simple as can be.
But other words don’t use this rule;
They have rules of their own.
Listen and you’ll soon know when
You don’t add s alone.

4. In words like crash, and wish, and brush
And other words like these,
Before you add the letter s,
You need to add an e.
The same is true for flash and dish;
E-s is needed, too.
So if words end with s and h,
Now you know what to do.


1. In words like bus, and kiss, and mess,
And other words like these,
Before you add the letter s,
You need to add an e.
The same is true for glass and dress;
E-s Is needed, too.
So if words end with letter s,
Now you know what to do.
5.In words like peach, and watch, and church,
And other words like these,
Before you add the letter s,
You need to add an e.
The same is true for lunch and munch;
E-s is needed, too.
So if words end with c and h,
Now you know what to do.

2. In words like calf and half and hoof,
First change the f to v, and
Before you add the letter s,
You need to add an e.
The same is true for elf and thief;
E-s is needed, too.
So if words e
nd with letter f,Now you know what to do.
6. In words like buzz, and frizz, and fizz,
And other words like these,
Before you add the letter s,
You need to add an e.
The same is true for razz and jazz;
E-s is needed, too.
So if words end with letter z,
Now you know what to do.

3. In words like fox, and fix, and mix,
And other words like these,
Before you add the letter s,
You need to add an e.
The same is true for fax and box;
E-s Is needed, too.
So if words end with letter x,
Now you know what to do.
Ending Refrain:
To make a word mean more than one,
Just add an s, I’ve known.
Dog to dogs and cat to cats - it’s what I’ve always done.
I add an s to action words when used with he or she.
I jump, he jumps; I hop, she hops - simple as can be.
But words that end with s, f, x, s-h, c-h, or z,
Need e and s for more than one...
Or after he or she.