Oh, Do You Know? Song Lyrics
Sung to the tune of “The Muffin Man

These song lyrics are included in the Volume 1 Combo

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1. Oh, do you know the short a sound,
The short a sound, the short a sound?
Oh, yes I know the short a sound;
The short a sound is /ă/.
6. Oh, do you know the long a sound,
The long a sound, the long a sound?
Oh, yes I know the long a sound;
The long a sound is /ā/.

2. Oh, do you know the short e sound,
The short e sound, the short e sound?
Oh, yes I know the short e sound;
The short e sound is /ĕ/.
7. Oh, do you know the long e sound,
The long e sound, the long e sound?
Oh, yes I know the long e sound;
The long e sound is /ē/.

3. Oh, do you know the short i sound,
The short i sound, the short i sound?
Oh, yes I know the short i sound;
The short i sound is /ĭ/.
8. Oh, do you know the long i sound,
The long i sound, the long i sound?
Oh, yes I know the long i sound;
The long i sound is /ī/.

4. Oh, do you know the short o sound,
The short o sound, the short o sound?
Oh, yes I know the short o sound;
The short o sound is /ŏ/.
9. Oh, do you know the long o sound,
The long o sound, the long o sound?
Oh, yes I know the long o sound;
The long o sound is /ō/.

5. Oh, do you know the short u sound,
The short u sound, the short u sound?
Oh, yes I know the short u sound;
The short u sound is /ŭ/.
10. Oh, do you know the long u sound,
The long u sound, the long u sound?
Oh, yes I know the long u sound;
The long u sound is /ū/.